This method uses specialized machinery and thread to stitch your design into the apparel. Embroidery is best used for higher end apparel such as hats, jackets, and polos. There are many locations where embroidery can be stitched to give the style that best fits your needs.
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Don't see what you're looking for?
We have more options! These are just our most popular garments as an example. Just let us know what you're looking for.

Hat Embroidery Placement Sizes
Left Side: 2" x 2"
Right Side: 2" x 2"
Left Panel: 3" x 2"
Right Panel: 3" x 2"
Front: 4" x 2.25"
Back: 3" x 1"
Polo/Jacket/TOP Embroidery Placement Sizes
Right Badge: 3.5" x 3.5"
Left Badge: 3.5" x 3.5"
Right Sleeve: 3.5" x 3.5"
Left Sleeve: 3.5" x 3.5"
Yoke: 4" x 3"

Low Stitch Count
3,278 stitches
Medium Stitch Count
5,411 stitches
High Stitch Count

14,638 stitches
Hundreds of Thread Colors

have a design
Great! We can work with any design you have. We just need an AI, EPS, or PDF graphic design file from when then the design was created. If you don't have that, a high resolution PNG will work too!

need a design
We are happy to create a design for you as well. We just need an idea of what you are looking for. Sending pictures of other designs you like or even a drawing works great too!

Ready to get started?
Submitting your information will put you in contact with someone from our team who can help.